Olive Branch Family,

Devotionals this week come from a long-time ministry friend of mine Larry Warner. He wrote the book Seeing Jesus with New Eyes. I pray these poems help you reflect upon the life-shattering, love declaring, hope bestowing action of Holy Week. They are an invitation to linger with Jesus, to explore your heart, to open your life to God in new ways.


Wednesday Poem: More Than a Sword (John 18:1-12)

The realization dawning,
this cannot be happening,
everything going sideways,
coming to an end.

Peter, unable to believe
Jesus’ predictions
of death and denials—
His kingdom not of this world?!

Under cover of darkness
the captors come,
Judas in the lead,
betrays Jesus with a kiss.

Peter, reaching for his sword,
seeks to seize the moment,
a weapon to exert his will,
further his desired end.

Peter’s sword a symbol
of worldly ways and wisdom,
affirmation of his devotion
to a personal agenda.

Swinging at a temple guard,
hoping for a revolution,
sowing seeds of rebellion,
severing a servant’s ear.

“Put away your sword.”
Jesus heals the damage
done by Peter’s selfish act.
Shall I not drink the cup my Father gives?”



Do you sometimes see a little of yourself in Peter? In which area(s) of your life do you wield the sword of your own agenda? Are you willing to lay down your sword and trust in the timing and wisdom of Jesus? What does it look like to surrender that to God?


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