I really want my friends to know Jesus.  Jesus is the only One to make sense of this world. As my friends struggle (though I don’t always see it, I know that they do), I want them to be free and to understand their purpose here on this Earth — I want them to know Jesus.

Connecting with people during this time of quarantine is difficult. You can’t really hang out at someone’s house yet (though the time is coming soon!). So how can we connect? A phone call. An email. Some avenue where we can share what happening in our lives and connect on a deeper level.

I recently sent an email to my friend Phil. Phil came and spoke at Olive Branch in late September 2019. He was the atheist in our panel discussion with Pastor Greg and a Muslim Imam. If you didn’t see this multi-faith discussion, you must see it! It’s one of our most frequently watched Olive Branch videos on YouTube (click here to watch it).

In the email, I simply asked how Phil was doing, if he needed anything during this time, and I asked how I might help. He shared that they were doing well, and then shared some personal information. Phil and I do not have a deep friendship (we’ve connected over two different events and we had a meal together). Phil is a rational man who cares for others. Phil, though he doesn’t agree, was created in God’s image. I want him to know Jesus. However, my email to him wasn’t that deep. It was simply asking how he was doing.

Phil is a friend. Our friendship took another step forward simply because I wrote him an email. When this quarantine is over, I expect to share another meal with Phil sometime. I really want him to know Jesus.

Don’t underestimate an email. If you have some time, write to one or two people. It could deepen that friendship. And you might get the opportunity to point them to Jesus.


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