Hebrews 12:11 “For the moment all discipline seems painful rather than pleasant, but later it yields a harvest of righteousness…”

Let’s be honest, in our society today self-control is not something that is valued. We live in a world where we never have enough; there’s always something newer, something better, a next generation, newer model, or desire for something more. Influencers would tell us to purchase more, you only live once, and you do you, to fill that void we’ve all felt. In God’s economy, we are called to self-control and stewardship with the understanding that everything we have belongs to the Lord.

Don’t get me wrong, the Lord has given us so much to enjoy and when I purchase something new or go on vacation I do it with a heart of knowing that the Lord provides and wishes to give to us good gifts. But, I wonder what would happen if we were more intentional about treating time, finances, possessions, wisdom, and talents as something we manage rather than something we own.

This week, I was challenged to take a step outside of my own bubble and to be more intentional with the resources the Lord has given me to steward. I want to invite you to do the same. It may be done in small steps or large steps, but the important thing is to practice ‘boots on the ground Christianity’ as I heard a friend put it.

What will you do today? Will you purchase gas for someone, will you sit and pray with someone who needs a listening ear, or like one family, will you start a grace money jar and pray for the Lord to send you someone you can help with these funds? Would you commit to taking this step of faith? When we give to others it causes us to take our eyes off ourselves and shift the focus on Christ. I truly believe that this discipline will produce a harvest of righteousness!


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